Rosetta Stone Ltd.
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Learning a language can be a life-changing experience for you. Over 25 years of language learning experience has taught Rosetta Stone one thing: Everyone has the ability to learn to read, write and speak a language with confidence. Try the Rosetta Stone app for free.
Many online language learning apps promise that you can learn a language in just a few minutes a day. But there's a significant difference between memorizing a vocabulary list and speaking a language with confidence. Learning a language is more than just words. One mistake new language learners make is to think of language as an object or an end goal, rather than an experience.
Use the Rosetta Stone mobile app to get rid of books, translators, and dictionaries and immerse yourself in a language anytime, anywhere.
How to play
Rosetta Stone has taught millions of people new languages, and you're next. From day one, you will.
- Focus on a personalized language learning program based on your motivation.
- Learn a language intuitively using our proven immersion method.
- Perfect your pronunciation with instant feedback.
- join courses to do all your work offline.
- Access different types of exercises using our extended learning features.
- Sync progress across all your devices.