Age of Apes



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  • platform:
    Android Ios
  • File Size:
    763 MB
  • Current Version:
  • Updated Time:
    Jul 14, 2023

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  • Content Rating:
  • 5

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Age of Apes is a captivating strategy game set in a post-apocalyptic world where apes have evolved to become the dominant species. The game is developed by a team of dedicated creators who have crafted a rich and immersive universe for players to explore. With its unique blend of city-building, combat, and cooperative gameplay, Age of Apes offers an engaging experience that keeps players coming back for more.

In Age of Apes, players take on the role of a leader of a group of intelligent apes. Your mission is to rebuild and expand your ape civilization in a world devastated by human-induced destruction. Build and upgrade your ape city, gather resources, conduct research, and train a powerful army to defend against enemies and conquer new territories.

The game offers various modes to cater to different playstyles. In the campaign mode, players embark on a thrilling journey through a story-driven narrative, unraveling the mysteries of the post-apocalyptic world. The PvP mode allows you to test your strategic skills against other players in real-time battles. Additionally, cooperative gameplay is emphasized in the Clan mode, where players can join or create clans to collaborate, trade resources, and participate in epic clan wars.

Age of Apes presents a range of challenges that test your strategic thinking and decision-making abilities. From managing resources and optimizing building placement to developing effective combat strategies and coordinating with clan members, the game offers a diverse set of challenges that keep you engaged and on your toes. Adaptability, resource management, and diplomacy are key to thriving in the harsh world of Age of Apes.

Age of Apes appeals to a wide audience, including strategy game enthusiasts, fans of post-apocalyptic settings, and players who enjoy cooperative gameplay. The game provides a deep and immersive experience for those seeking a combination of city-building, combat, and social interaction. It offers a balance between solo play and cooperative features, making it suitable for both competitive and cooperative players.

With its stunning visuals, immersive gameplay mechanics, and the opportunity to lead an ape civilization in a post-apocalyptic world, Age of Apes offers an exciting and engaging experience. Prepare to build, conquer, and evolve as you navigate the challenges of this unique strategy game. Are you ready to rise to the top of the ape civilization and reshape the world in the Age of Apes?


How to play

Here's a guide on how to play Age of Apes for beginners and some strategies to help you succeed in the game:

How to Play for Beginners:

Establish Your Base: Start by building and upgrading your main headquarters. This is the central hub of your ape civilization. Construct and upgrade resource-generating buildings, such as lumber mills, quarries, and farms, to ensure a steady supply of essential resources.

Gather Resources: Explore the map and send your ape units to gather resources from resource points. Tap on the resource points and assign apes to collect wood, stone, and food. Collecting resources is essential for constructing and upgrading buildings, training troops, and conducting research.

Train and Upgrade Your Troops: Build a strong army by training various types of ape troops. Each troop has unique strengths and abilities. Upgrade your troops at the training grounds to increase their combat effectiveness and unlock new units. A well-balanced army is crucial for defending your base and conquering enemy territories.

Conduct Research: Allocate resources to research technologies at the research center. Researching enhances your ape civilization by unlocking new buildings, troop upgrades, and special abilities. Prioritize research that aligns with your playstyle and goals.

Engage in Combat: Participate in battles to defend your base and expand your influence. Scout enemy territories, attack rival players' bases, and strategically plan your assaults. Coordinate with clan members for joint attacks or defensive maneuvers to increase your chances of success.

Join or Create a Clan: Joining or creating a clan allows you to collaborate with other players, exchange resources, and participate in clan wars. Clans provide valuable support and can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. Communicate with clan members, share strategies, and coordinate your efforts to achieve collective goals.

Strategies for Success:

Prioritize Resource Management: Efficient resource management is essential for progress. Balance resource production and consumption, focusing on the resources you need most at any given time. Regularly collect resources from the map, upgrade resource buildings, and plan resource allocation strategically.

Plan Your Base Layout: Design your base layout with defense in mind. Strategically place defensive structures, such as towers and walls, to protect your important buildings. Create chokepoints to funnel enemy troops into concentrated areas, maximizing the effectiveness of your defenses.

Maintain a Strong Defense: Protect your base by training and positioning defensive troops. Upgrade your walls and defensive buildings to withstand attacks. Regularly check and repair damaged structures to keep your defenses intact.

Scout Before Attacking: Before launching an attack on an enemy base, scout their defenses to gather information about troop placements and defensive structures. Understanding your opponent's layout will help you plan a more effective attack strategy.

Coordinate Clan Activities: Actively participate in clan activities and communicate with your clan members. Coordinate attacks, share resources, and support each other during clan wars. Together, you can achieve greater success and dominate the game.

Stay Active and Adapt: Regularly log in to the game, complete quests, and participate in events to earn rewards and progress faster. Adapt your strategies based on the evolving dynamics of the game and learn from both victories and defeats.


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